Are you suffering from Autism or you know someone who is suffering from autism? but don’t know how to react to autistic behavior this is the article you should definitely read.All your questions related to Autism have been answered here.
Also read this: 10 Facts That Everything about Autism in Children and Babies
How do you get autism?
When we say a person has Autism it is because their brain works differently. This person may at times feel and think in a different way from ours.
What are the Signs of Autism ?
Parents are usually the first to notice the first signs of autism. You probably noticed that your child was developing differently from other children of the same age. The differences may have existed since birth, or may have become more apparent later. In some cases, the differences are significant and obvious to everyone. In others, they are more subtle.
How to diagnose adults with autism?
The earlier the diagnosis is made, the greater the development of the child in multidisciplinary work, such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, equine therapy, hydrotherapy, speech therapy and follow-ups with psychologists and neurologists. Among adults monitoring it is also necessary, but with focus on the specific problems of each and possible associated diseases.Many of them have depressive symptoms, anxiety and difficulties in marriage and work. They seek interpersonal relationships, but it’s hard to be understood,How to use essential oils for autism?The main benefit of treatment with the essential oil is its ease of administration.It is a great advantage for ASD community.This is not like giving pills to a child who does not want to swallow it, and if there is a type of therapy that they do not accept, we have to force them to accept it. The oils are so easy. It’s as easy as breathing, and can affect their behavior, mood and can metabolize what is happening inside the body.
How to spot autism in adults?
Some test questions seem to be quite keen to identify people living with autism, “you like to organize items online or standards”, “you’re upset with minor changes in these standards?” And “You gets these items over and over.
Have other questions attempt to identify a pattern of behavior, should a person respond if there is a large or small identification with the statements: “I’d rather go to a library than a football game,” “I hear sounds that no one else listens” “I pay attention to license plates or numbers that no one usually give much attention” and so on.
How to recognize autism signs?
Autism does not appear in routine examinations, it is not noted in newborn screening, even in resonance or CT scans. Diagnosis is based on family and school problems combined with structured medical evaluation and printing specialist. The cause of the disorder is still unknown, but it is believed genetics is a strong determinant, being unfair to blame vaccines and the creation method for this pathology. Genetics is evident when studying cases of familiar recurrence, even higher in identical twins .
How to prevent autism in pregnancy?
Women who consume adequate amounts of folic acid during pregnancy reduces the chances of their children have autism , according to researchers at the University of California, in the United States. This nutrient, also called vitamin B9, can be found in foods such as broccoli and beans and is indicated for pregnant women to prevent birth defects.
How to prevent having a child with autism?
During pregnancy, the woman’s immune system is responsible for maintaining their health and also ensure that the baby is developing properly. So, over the nine months, care must be redoubled and followed exactly to prevent a number of drawbacks.
How to cure autism naturally?
This approach not only includes a specialized education but also physical therapy, occupational therapy, music therapy , sensory integration, behavior modification or speech therapy.It is best to start them as early as possible so that the improvement is more noticeable.However, we must bear in mind that these therapies take a long period of time to observe the results.
How to handle autism meltdowns?
Prepare the child with autism to break routines.It is believed that the child with autism need to live under tight security and strict routines to improve their quality of life. This and many other topics are falling every day. With the advancement of our knowledge, as well as the intervention models. Life is changing, and we should know how to prepare children with autism to these changes. Of course, life is full of routines, get up, eat breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, wash , sleep, go to school, etc … but at the same time, there are many changes, whether planned or unplanned. Generally, children with autism often find unexpected changes to be irritating or cause anxiety in an unexpected situation.
How is MMR linked to autism?
In favor of some autistic children, especially those who regressed immediately after the MMR vaccine (MMR), this is a time to do justice. I know most people do not understand the relationship between vaccines and autism. I will not use this post to explain everything, because the internet is full of information and everyone can easily have access to studies and make their own conclusions and decisions.Not advocate vaccines, I know that many diseases have been eradicated from the world starting from his invention, however, what happened was that we got to a point where the toxicity of the components in these same vaccines that both avoided lives cut short, are also reaping the quality of life (and life itself) of millions of children worldwide.
How to treat autism?
There is no cure for autism, but early treatment program, intensive and appropriate ,greatly improves the prospect of young children with the disorder. Most programs will increase the interest of the child with a highly structured schedule of constructive activities. The visuals are generally useful.The main goal of treatment is to maximize the social and communication skills of children by reducing the symptoms of autism and support the development and learning.How to handle autism tantrums?Be careful. The safety of the child and others around him comes first. Remove any substance which could be dangerous for the autistic child if their tantrum get out of control. Physical restraint may be needed in such cases.Keep Calm. Request your child to calm down firmly, but be simple and straightforward. Do not be too complicated while reasoning with the autistic child. Repeat your order until the child calms down. Do not get angry or emotional, as this will only make things worse.Ignore the tantrum. If the tantrum is about something irrational, condition the child to know that they can not always get what they want so they should not start their tantrum. A tantrum is a power play for the child for getting what they wants when they are unable to communicate this desire.Conditions the child to accept their circumstances, learning to deal with the situation until the end. In the meantime, relocate the child until they calm down.Distract your child’s tantrum. Have puzzles or a special toy ready for use whenever the child has a hissy fit.Consider the reaction of others. Your child may scream and shout in a complete collapse. Learning how to deal with their reactions by remaining calm and not giving in to your child’s is a must. Others may look, make comments and think of you as a bad parent.Resist the temptation to respond to these people. If someone remarks, state that your child is a child with special needs.
How to heal autism?
There are still no treatment measures or medications that can guarantee a cure. It is very important and necessary to the effectiveness of treatment, both the patient and the immediate family to accept the disease and do not let this problem affect patient’s life. Some autistic patients have success in professional life , academic and personal too, they get married and have children, but why they did not suffer through life with the difficulties that the disease imposes on the patient ‘s life. In parallel to the treatments to take care of autism it is essential that the patient also do psychological counselling , to deal with the difficulties and prejudices throughout life.
How to help adults with autism?
There is no treatment that is best for adults suffering meltdowns. Treatment usually includes medication and individual and group therapy. Individual therapy sessions or group can be very helpful. One type of commonly used therapy is cognitive behavioral therapy it helps adults to:identify what situations or behaviors can trigger a collapse.In addition, this type of therapy teaches how to manage their anger and control your typically inadequate response using relaxation techniques.
Cognitive behavioral therapy, which combines cognitive restructuring, training relaxation training and skills is the most promising results.Unfortunately, many adults suffering from collapses do not seek treatment. If you are involved in a relationship, it is important that you take steps to protect yourself and your children. Any emotional abuse and / or physical that may be occurring is not your fault. If you see that the situation is growing, and you suspect that your partner may be on the verge of collapse, try to safely remove yourself and your children from the area.
How to detect autism?
1. The autistic child has a look that does not look , but transferred.
2. The infant is usually observed making a monotonous babble of sound, a late babble and a lack of contact with their environment , as well as sign language.
3. In their first interaction with others, the first thing that is detected is that they do not follow the people in their attempts to communicate and be entertained by an object without knowing what it is.
4. In preschool, the child begins to seem strange because they do not speak . They maintain no contacts with others in any way.
5. These autistic children may exhibit aggressive behavior , even to themselves.
6. Another feature of autism is the tendency to carry out activities repetitively like; spinning or performing rhythmic movements with their body (flapping his arms).
7. Autistic with a high functional level can repeat television commercials or perform complex rituals at bedtime .
8. In adolescence , it is said that 1/3 of autistic often suffer epileptic seizures , which suggests a cause of nervous origin .How to cope with autism?
In autistic children, as earlier the placement of limits, less painful will be the management with the child throughout life and the easier your learning and their adaptive capacity in life. The more clear and objective are the parents, the faster the child understand what is expected of them, facilitating their understanding of when “no” is actually a “no.” Parental authority must be exercised without authoritarianism and the last word must always be parents.
How to care for autism?
There is a small but significant group (between 1 and 20%) showing significant improvements after therapy.
- After this improvement autistics can not be classified as suffering from an ASD.
- Recovery was never spontaneous. In all cases it came after years of hard work of parents and therapists.
- It is not known why this improvement is due, there may be an organic substrate, a biological basis for these positive changes.
- It is not known what specific therapies are most effective for that improvement.
- Most children show more limited improvements.
- We can not identify a priori the children going to show these great advances.
Although people show that improvement can have a pretty good integration as adults, some may have problems with anxiety and depression, including suicidal thoughts sometimes.
Causes of autism?
The causes are not fully understood but it is known that this syndrome may be related to:
Cognitive impairment and abnormal genetic and hereditary causes , it was observed that some autistic have larger and heavier brain and nervous connection between their cells was poor;
Environmental factors , such as family environment, complications during pregnancy or childbirth;
Biochemical changes in the body characterized by too much serotonin in the blood;
Chromosomal abnormalities evidenced by the disappearance or duplication of chromosome 16.
The difficulty in knowing the causes occur because not all of these changes are present in all autistic.
How is fragile x different from autism?
The Fragile X syndrome is an inherited genetic condition, produced by the presence of molecular alteration or even a break in the chain of the X chromosome, the point called q27.3 or q28, a condition associated with behavioral problems and learning, as well as the varying degrees of mental disability. The disease is much more common in boys than in girls, perhaps because in men there is only one X chromosome, so this being defective X, there would be another X to compensate sound as occurs in women who have 2 chromosomes such.
How is fragile x related to autism?
Autism is diagnosed clinically, that is, it is identified from the observation of certain behaviors. Basically, it is said that the diagnosis of autism is related to social deficits and behavioral restrictions (perseveration and repetitive movements), in different contexts. It is known that there are many causes or genes associated with autism. 4% to 6% of children diagnosed with autism has it for due to FXS. Since the diagnosis of FXS is made from genetic testing, when it is detected the mutation in the FMR1 gene.
How is autism diagnosed?
The diagnosis of autism is clinical, done through direct observation of behavior and an interview with the parents or guardians. Symptoms usually present before 3 years of age, can make the diagnosis at 18 months old.
How to prevent autism while pregnant?
The disease threatens any mother who does not rest enough or is subjected to high levels of stress, eat less protein than they need, consume too much salt . The pressure reduces the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus, which reduces the passage of oxygen through the placenta. Consequently, the baby moves little, eliminating less urine and even stopping to breathe to save energy.
How much of autism is genetic?
The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is five per 1,000 children, more common in males, at a ratio of four men for every woman affected. The origin of autism is still unknown, but the studies point to the existence of a strong genetic component acting in determining the disease. No characteristic pattern of inheritance, and it has been suggested that autism is conditioned by a multi-factorial mechanism, i.e..., genetic changes associated with the presence of predisposing environmental factors may trigger the onset of the disorder. More recently, it has been shown that approximately 5-10% of cases have small changes of the genome that can be detected with genomic analysis techniques. As in other because of multi factorial disorders, Autism recurrence risks are based on empirical estimates, or by direct observation of recurrent anomaly in several families.How to cure autism naturally? What you eat determines how your body will react. Diet is the main point of important treatment for autistic. Certain foods such as alcohol, meat and processed food must be strictly avoided.Fresh and green vegetarian foods should be eaten. Vegetables, milk and many leafy greens are a plus for autism.
How does autism affect the nervous system?
The areas of the brain corresponding to the tactile pathways most affected in autism are the temporal lobe, medulla and thalamus.Research suggests that during development of the nervous system of these people, there was an excessive number of neurons in these pathways, thereby making the brain was overwhelmed with sensations .
How many types of autism are there?
5 types of autism
How long does it take to diagnose autism?
By using advanced diagnostic techniques, the disease could be identified in children of one to two years, instead of the current phase: between three and five years. This means that they are going to receive treatment before and therefore will have a better result.
How to live with autism?
Children with autism, and their families, they require expert assistance with the first application, understand the disease and then they facilitate the patient to participate in society and have a good quality of life.There are a variety of therapies and treatments for autistic children, but some of them can be expensive or are unavailable. Furthermore, there is a general treatment that can be taken by all patients; in general, therapies have to be customized, depending on their immediate needs and symptoms that your child has. For example, a 6-year-old may be that you need to improve social skills with other children, while one of some 18 years you may also need strategies to enter higher education or a job.
How is coconut oil useful for autism?
The coconut oil is easily digestible and does not cause an insulin spike in the blood stream, so for a quick energy boost, you can just eat a coconut oil spoon, or add it to your food.
How does autism affect the brain?
A survey conducted by the Collaborative Program of Excellence in Autism, the US government found that the disease has broader effects than previously thought. Besides affecting how autistics communicate and relate with others, the study suggests that the disease also affects the ability to perform tasks considered complex, like tieng their shoes. This would happen, according to research published in Child Neuropsychology journal, because autism prevents different parts of the brain to work together, which affects the sensory perception, movement and memory of patients. Autistics are generally classified as people having problems in interacting with other people and in verbal and non-verbal communication,they also have a tendency to have repetitive behaviors and very specific interests.[ KNOW MORE ] How can autism be treated?The ideal age for starting treatment, according to the expert, is before the age of three. “The sooner you treat less spectrum behaviors are installed in the child and more likely to expand the range of behaviors,” he adds. The treatment of these children is done not only with psychologists in clinics, but also with the use of drugs.
How and when was autism discovered?
Autism is one of the great unknowns of medicine. But according to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, new evidence may help physicians around the world to better understand this condition.Research suggests that irregular changes in the developing brain, long before birth, can cause symptoms of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). For a team of doctors from the University of California in the United States, this reinforces the need for early identification and treatment.How to test for autism in adults?Basically, the test to find out if you are also an autistic is to answer questions about your habits and preferences. In a second step, the test also seeks to identify patterns of behavior and you need to answer now an intense identification with or without some statements that say, for example, you like to do more “what if”.
How is autism caused?
The causes of autism are still unknown , but research in the area is becoming more intense. It is more likely the existence of autism is due to a combination of genetic factors and external agents leading to autism. They play a key role in the causes of this disorder.
How To Treat Autism?
- Consultation With A Specialist.
- Create New Forms Of Communication.
- Show Him Your Love.
- Play With Them.
- Carefully Handles Routine Changes.
- Promote Social Contact.
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